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We consider the safety of all our guests as a top priority. Please refer to the bounce house usage guidelines below. We thank you in advance for your complete cooperation with these rules.

Use at Your Own Risk

Though every measure has been taken to minimize injury to participants, there are risks, both known and unknown, but not limited to physical injury, emotional injury, distress, paralysis, and even death.  The risk of serious injury from participating in inflatable activities, although minimal, does exist, as it does in all play and amusement activities.  The Client recognizes and understands that use of the equipment may involve inherently dangerous activities.

The Client agrees to notify all participants, their parents or guardians of “Use at Own Risk" policy. As the Client of the Units, the safety of all participants shall be the Client’s sole responsibility.

Supervision and Attendants

A responsible adult should always be present and actively supervising when children are in the bounce house. An adult should be present to facilitate and ensure the appropriate number of children and age group utilizing the bounce house at a time. Use common sense, if something does not look right to you, stop the activity or occurrence immediately.

Age Requirements

This has more to do with each individual child’s development and motor skills. The ability to balance and have coordination and have the strength to jump and bounce can vary from child to child even within the same age. It is recommended that children must be at least 3 years old to participate in a bounce house and at least 6 years old to participate in a wet/dry slide. Because of this the parents of younger children should always be present and nearby to supervise.

Number of Bouncers

This will depend on the size of the bounce house and the age or size of the group. A good practice includes age control where children within the same age and size use the bounce house at a time to help reduce collisions. Certain time slots can be allotted for various age and size groups. The weight and participant capacity is listed on each Unit(s) and should be strictly followed.

Proper Attire

Children should remove all footwear, eyeglasses/sunglasses, jewelry, sharp accessories, and empty out their pockets of any sharp or breakable objects. 

ATTENTION: "Silly String" is strictly prohibited since it is difficult to clean and will cause damage to the Unit(s). No party poppers, colored streamers, confetti or smoking is allowed in or near the Unit(s).

No Rough Behavior

There should be no rough playing, wrestling, tackling, tumbling, pushing, hitting, or flipping. 

Weather Changes

If it starts to rain or become windy (winds speeds greater than 15 mph), have all the children exit the bouncer immediately. 

No Eating and Drinking

There is to be no eating or drinking inside the bounce house. An adult should periodically check that the inside of the bounce house is clear of spills and or trash. 

Proper Air in Equipment

An adult should periodically verify that there is sufficient air in the bounce house. If the bounce house loses air for some reason, have all the children exit the bouncer immediately. 

Other Matters

Do not jump near the entrances, exits, or sides. Walk in and walk out. Children should not bring any items, toys, food, drinks inside the bounce house, and above all NO SILLY STRING. In addition, pets of any type are also not allowed in the bouncers. 

Safety Guidelines: Welcome
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